Keyword: video surveillance

Smart R Sees The Opportunity with Comelit CCTV

06.04.2020 - Comelit’s Gold Partner, Smart R Distribution, has recently launched its new CCTV division to meet the growing demand for smart, integrated IP network video surveillance solutions...


Security & Digitalization - Interview with Martin Bemba, CEO of Abus Security Center

30.03.2020 - Intruder protection, video surveillance, access control & co. – they are increasingly blending into other systems within a building, such as the window control and the lighting...


Hikvision launches LED Display Product Line

Hikvision Europe - Hikvision has launched a full range of LED displays, providing seamless, high-definition and colorful imaging. Developed and manufactured internally, Hikvision’s LED displays offer...

Gallagher Helps Secure New London Area

19.03.2020 - Gallagher Security has helped secure an entire new postcode area of London – N1C. The King’s Cross estate was an underused 67-acre industrial wasteland owned by the King’s Cross...

The Power of Intelligent Parking Management

16.03.2020 - Searching for a space in a parking lot can waste valuable time. What’s more, slow paper ticketing systems can cause congestion as drivers queue to enter and leave. Organizations...


Special Focus: Status Report on Thermal Cameras

10.03.2020 - Very often advances in security technology come in small steps or can be described as marginal gains improving existing products. Those small improvements should not be...


Three Questions for Three Experts: Thermal Cameras

06.03.2020 -

In this series, GIT SECURITY EMEA ask three questions to three industry expert about the issue's special focus.


Video Security for Fourteen English Premier League Clubs

05.03.2020 - Like many national football leagues, the teams of the English Premier League also suffer from unacceptable incidents such as people lighting pyrotechnics and throwing projectiles...