

Light + Building 2024: Sustainability, Efficiency, and Building Security

11.03.2024 -

Over 151,000 visitors travelled to Light + Building 2024. 2,169 exhibitors presented the latest developments in building technology and trends in innovative lighting...


Pierre Racz: "Real Artificial Intelligence Does Not Exist"

08.03.2024 -

In part one of this three-part interview series with Pierre Racz, President of Genetec, he is addressing why IP network video systems were the game changer in the...

Fire Protection

Choosing Door Closers is a Critical Element of Fire Safety

08.03.2024 -

Every now and then, news reminds us of the devastation that a large building fire can cause. One consequence is that fire doors now receive the attention and regulation...


New Remote Service from Bosch Building Technologies Increases Security for Video Systems

05.03.2024 -

It's a given for any smartphone user: When the device manufacturer announces that a software update is ready for installation, it's done primarily to maintain the...

Fire Protection

Charging and Storing Lithium-Ion Batteries Correctly

05.03.2024 -

Lithium-ion batteries offer many advantages. They are long lasting, have a high energy density and are only slightly self-discharging. The batteries are therefore...


Video Analytics for Life Safety Infrastructure in Mass Transit

04.03.2024 -

Safety protocols within mass transit systems are evolving significantly as more people are returning to on-site work in our post-pandemic world. While working from home...


Cloud-Based Locking System CESentry

29.02.2024 -

CESentry is the new cloud-based electronic locking system from CES. It consists of an organisation system and a new generation of locking and access devices. The devices...

Fire Protection

Smart Fire Monitoring in Cement Production

28.02.2024 -

Clinker production requires extremely high temperatures. Fuels therefore need to be kept at the ready to provide the necessary energy. However, whatever burns during a...