

Johannes G. Rietschel Barix: audio distribution alternatives for security

09.08.2012 -

Johannes G. Rietschel Barix: audio distribution alternatives for security. The increasing number of security incidents on multi-building facilities worldwide is causing...


Geutebrück: video detector with altogether better accuracy and reliability

08.08.2012 -

Geutebrück: video detector with altogether better accuracy and reliability. Constantly striving to replicate the analytical skills of the human eye and brain, developers...


Bosch: high-speed Autodome systems

08.08.2012 -

Bosch: high-speed Autodome systems. Much has been written about Autodome CCTV camera systems since their introduction in the early 1990s. In addition to Autodome...


Dallmeier Electronic: safety and security for Southampton Tower Blocks

08.08.2012 -

Dallmeier Electronic: safety and security for Southampton Tower Blocks. Southampton City Council received a surprising answer when it asked residents what should be...


Megatrends in Video Surveillance – Part 3

08.08.2012 -

Megatrends in Video Surveillance - Part 3. A big advantage for organisations moving from analogue to IP video surveillance is that digital video storage is less costly...


FLIR: thermal imaging cameras helped to assure G8

08.08.2012 -

FLIR: thermal imaging cameras helped to assure G8. The Group of Eight (G8) is an international forum for the governments of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia...


Panasonic System Solutions Europe: partnership with S2

08.08.2012 -

Panasonic System Solutions Europe: partnership with S2. In addition to providing an extensive range of CCTV and IP security products, Panasonic System Solutions Europe...


Gantner Electronic: electronic identification using chips or almost nothing at all

08.08.2012 -

Gantner Electronic: electronic identification using chips or almost nothing at all. Development in electronic components has enabled continuous improvements in personnel...