FIS-Kimpel Fotografie und IT Service

Below you see an overview about the services and solutions, the FIS Kimpel offers. And the following FIS Kimpel acts anew in the IT area and will offer in future comfortable and high-class service.

Of configuration and installation service
Mistake analysis and mistake removal
Complete hard and software procurement
Complete care within the scope of Serviceveträgen consisting of Überwa chung, patch management, Remote-and on site-service
Consulting in the area of IT security (Firewall, anti-virus, backup, VPN, etc.)
Client and server solutions as for example Microsoft Windows Server, Exchange server
Complete phone arrangements ISDN
Camera supervision IP/ANALOGOUSLY

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FIS-Kimpel Fotografie und IT Service

Hinter der Gansbett 11
34593 Knüllwald
Germany, Germany
