
Milestone Systems: X-Protect Transact version 2.5

Milestone Systems: X-Protect Transact version 2.5. Milestone Systems has released version 2.5 of X-Protect Transact, an integrated solution for managing shrinkage through combined ...

Milestone Systems: X-Protect Transact version 2.5. Milestone Systems has released version 2.5 of X-Protect Transact, an integrated solution for managing shrinkage through combined surveillance and transaction data.

Retail, banking, transportation, hospitality and other industries are looking to optimize the handling of shrinkage due to fraud, errors and theft. In the retail sector alone, both shoplifting and employee theft is a well documented cause of major financial losses.

The system tracks goods all the way through the store – from receiving to sales, it determine if items get “lost” in the storage/warehouse, are shoplifted or mistreated at the checkout counter (either in the sales process or as return goods).

The system follows activities visually, it produces evidence and helps resolving wrongdoings before they escalate.